Friday, August 13, 2010

Journey to 135, Friday the 13th

Today is Friday the 13th. It's been a good day for the most part. I started out being productive. I ate breakfast, loaded the dishwasher, sent emails to my Avon customers saying their order was in and how much it would be and that I'd deliver Monday. I grabbed some brochures and headed off to work. I left early enough to stop at Walgreen's and get some name tags. Alas, I waited until the last minute, and they didn't have any so I got labels. They did the trick.

We planned an 18th birthday party for Slick Talkers to see if we could gather prospective and past members. It worked. We had a new member sign up and a former member rejoin. It was a small intimate group. We had fun and caught up on each other's news.

Our fare included pizza and cake. Of course, I ate pizza and my share of the cake along with sweet Bill Miller's tea. So I definitely have to hit the track.

I am absolutely amazing myself. After work, I changed and hit the track. Alone with my MP4 player. Earl Nightengale and I walked the 2 miles together. I did it in 47 minutes just like last night. Then I came home ate dinner, and before I knew it I was sound asleep in front of the TV. Or at least I would have been if my needy cat would have left me alone.

2 egg/mozarella cheese omelet on chalupa shell (3)
4 slices pizza (24)
2 slices cake (10)
2 large glasses sweet tea (6)
5 chalupa shells 2 slices 2/3 fat cheese (7)
YIKES!!! That's 50 points! I've already used my 35 extra for the week and it's only Friday!!!

2 miles after work
Total of 8464 steps today (not counting running around the house getting dressed this morning)
4919 aerobic steps and 2.67 miles total
HMMM. I'm going to have to pay attention to how many miles before I start my 2-mile walk. Maybe it's not 2 miles after all.


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