Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I Lost Weight!

OMG! After an interminable amount of time, I finally lost 2.2 pounds!

I've decided not to continue with this Blog. I was trying to maintain 2 blogs, but like Christ says, I can't serve 2 masters. One suffers when I'm concentrating on the other. So, I'm abandoning this one to concentrate on my personal development blog (http://aww-pda.blogspot.com/). Check it out.

Monday, January 10, 2011

On the road again!

It finally dawned on me that "for things to change, I must change" (Jim Rohn). I can't continue the way I was and expect different results. That's the definition of insanity.

So, what do I do with this sudden insight? I make changes. I have a 2 point breakfast instead of a 6 point one. I eat fruit or veggies when I feel like a snack. I move more than yesterday if possible. And, I managed to bring that 228 back down to 225-1/2 this morning. My walking buddy and I planned to walk today, but the weather was nasty, cold and misty, so we decided to skip walking today. I did do some leg lifts this morning. It wasn't much, but I plan to do more tomorrow.

So I tried to be good. I had some pork roast, spinach salad with a little shredded cheese, a cheese stick, chinese noodles, and a tbsp of lite catalina dressing.

I had a cup of hot chocolate with a few mini marshmallows and some homemade candy. I'm done, except for some water to help wash it all down.

A friend said she saw my blog yesterday and comparing my photo from last year to this year, it's obvious I made a difference. It seems like such small increments, but there was major impact. Now all I have to do is keep the momentum.

Tomorrow I'll have more fruit, more egg white/cheese omelet, more veggies. I really like being able to eat as much fruit as I want (practically).

Saturday, January 8, 2011

There's Definitely Something Wrong

I don't know why I'm having such a hard time getting back on track.

I got on the scale this morning, and I weighed 228! Gosh, I've gained almost 13 lbs! That's crazy. I definitely have to make some changes.

I started this morning by having a handful of grapes while I was making breakfast, which was a 3 egg white omelet with 1 slice of the 1-pt cheese I like. So my breakfast was 2 points. Then I ate a banana and a small orange later as a snack. I just love that fruit has 0 points!

For lunch when I retuned from getting a haircut, I made stuffing with some chicken breast in it. Instead of having chicken with stuffing, I had stuffing with chicken. I figure the points for the chicken/stuffing was 8 pts.

We shopped and I bought some new shoes at DSW. I'm really excited about the shoes I got. I wore them while we went to the Half-Price Book store, where I bought 2 boxes of birthday cards. As a treat, we went Alamo Cafe, where I ate about 12 tortilla chips and salsa, then a salad with shredded chicken. It was really delicious. I ate half and packed the other half for tomorrow. Then we went to World Market where I got a large bottle of Sugar Free Vanilla flavor. Torani has the best flavors. I love it in Diet Coke. They also have a diet French Vanilla with a butterfly on the label. There's also almond rocha flavor, raspberry, all kinds. If they'd been on sale, I might have tried another flavor or 2.

I did get some wine, there were a couple of cheap White Zinfandels that I bought. And I had a cup of wine when I got home, which really relaxed me. I'm ready to crash as a matter of fact. I did get to watch "You've Got Mail."

I'll have to figure out the points of what I ate today. I'm feeling a bit hungry, but I'll survive. I guess I'll have another omelet in the morning. It's very satisfying.

This morning, while watching TV, I relaxed with a cup of coffee and my computer where I looked up recipes on the Weight Watcher's site. I found several that were vegetable based so I'll have lower point foods for dinner. Before I took my nap today I put a frozen pork roast in the crock pot and when we got home from shopping and eating, the house smelled so good. So I have a pork roast for lunch tomorrow.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Building Momentum

After 2 days sort of following the WW plan, I feel much better and in control. I got up this morning a little late, but I didn't use that excuse to skip riding my bike. Now that the TV in the work out room is fixed, I watched CNBC while I rode for 11 minutes. I know 11 minutes don't seem like a lot, but it's a start. I'm a slow starter. I believe in building up not starting hot and heavy and burning out.

Then after work, we walked a mile. I came home and sat for about 30 minutes before dinner. Once I started eating, I had a hard time stopping. I ate about 6 ozs of chicken, 1/2 c stuffing, 10 almonds, 1/2 cup of mini marshmallows, 2 cups of salad with lite Catalina dressing. Then I fixed a cup of decaf coffee and started shopping at Avon online. I just love their jewelry, skin care, and hair care products.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lots of Possibilities on the Horizon

I started out the day on plan. I had a piece of sausage and 1 egg. Then I had a banana. I finally cut up the pineapple we got with Angelfood Ministries. It wasn't as sweet as I expected it to be. I ate 1/3 of it. I do have to admit that it was better than canned.

For lunch we had beef fajitas, which are 5 points a serving, with 2 slices of bread. I made sandwiches instead of tacos. That way I saved a couple of points.

Then for dinner I had leftover chicken from dinner last night and carrots with spinach dip.

I didn't do any exercise today. I stayed right here at the dining table either blogging or looking through magazines for my vision board.

I just baked 5 cookies - 3 for my son, and 2 for me. I ate one this evening, and I'll have one tomorrow evening after dinner. This is a test for me.

I bought a couple of books that will help me be more frugal and stay on budget. One was about cooking a month's worth of meals, and one was about how to be frugal.

Happy New Year!

Oops, I let yesterday slip by without blogging. I truly wanted to try to do a full year. I was busy, good busy, shopping, keeping up with the household chores, watching the NCIS marathon, going through magazines looking for images for my 2011 vision board, and enjoying life.

I had my son take a photo of me so I could put my face on any image of a woman that I put on my vision board. It's like the Book of Possibilities that Georgia had in The Last Holiday.

I started out eating on the WW plan, and as usual got a bit side tracked. Not too much. We don't have much junk food left, so that keeps me honest. I roasted a chicken with stuffing and ate lots of carrots and grapes. Unfortunately, I let the green beans rot in the refrigerator, so I couldn't make green bean casserole to go with the chicken. Friday morning I baked several sweet potatoes so I have them to snack on when needed. They're so sweet. I love them baked. The first thing I did yesterday was ride my bike for 10 minutes. The shopping (2 shopping trips) and keeping the kitchen straightened helped keep me busy.