Thursday, January 9, 2014

Ah ha moment

Yesterday, I realized having my weights in a closet in my workout room wasn't helping me in the least, especially with no TV in there. Last night, I moved them and my Shake Weight into my bedroom. And, I actually lifted some weights!!!

This morning, as I fought getting out of bed, I looked around my room and noted that my bedroom furniture was all wrong. There's a small bookcase, which is currently only holding junk, that needs to be moved out of my room. I'll move the Nordic Track into my room in its place. Then I could ski while I watch TV in my room. I'd still have room for my weights in a corner, and I might even work out more.

Once I got out of bed, I was rewarded with a .8 pound loss, and I did some Shake Weight work.

I have my moments of genius - sometimes they are few and far between - but I celebrate each of them!

I won't have time to move the furniture until Saturday, so I'll have to remind myself somehow. I'll send an email to myself!!!


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